SCORG V5.1 release

Posted on April 17, 2015

We are pleased to announce the release of new SCORG V5.1, a unique software for the design and analysis of positive displacement machines such as screw compressors, expanders, pumps and motors.


The new features of this release

  • Comprehensive User Guide
  • New Tutorial cases for use of SCORG with PumpLinx® and ANSYS CFX
  • Much improved GUI featuring:
    • User profile import and handling with auto hide and pop out modes for enhanced visibility
    • Zoom in and units change in graphical plots
    • Import and export functions for whole project and result files
    • Much improved speed of calculation and display of mesh in graphical windows
    • Shortcuts for most common geometry, thermodynamic and mesh generation functions
  • Calculation of and Pre-processing in ANSYS CFX and PumpLinx® for low pressure and high pressure ports and chambers
  • Direct connection of generated mesh with PumpLinx® and seamless transition from SCORGTM to PumpLinx®


PDM Analysis Ltd would like to thank existing users of SCORGTM for comments, suggestions and reporting of the errors. We succeded to addressed majority of errors which helped to improve the software stability. We are continuing to improve the software and we plan the new release for summer 2015 which will feature more functionality and enable SCORG mesh to integrate with more CFD solvers. The main objective is to make the process of the design and analysis of positive displacement screw compressors, pumps and motors easy. Your feedback and further suggestions for improvements of the software are welcome.



If you are still not using SCORG, please contact us for further information on available licensing options.