Case study: Analysis using ANSYS CFX

Client: City, University of London | Website:

SCORGTM grid generator uses algebraic grid generation for the two rotor domains that deform during the solution. SCORGTM can generate a set of grid files representing the rotor position at successive time steps which can then be used by a CFD solver.


Ansys CFX® is a general purpose CFD solver and is capable of interpreting all the grids from SCORGTM grid generator. CFX® has a special interface within the solver that is called as Junction Box Routine. A Junction Box Routine reads the mesh produced by SCORGTM every time step and provides updated location of the nodes for the deforming rotor domain there by simulating the positive displacement flow field of the machine.


A snapshot of CFX® GUI with rotor grid and real machine port grids is shown here. It is also possible to generate theoretical Suction and Discharge ports from SCORGTM grid generator in ANSYS CFX® format and can be used for quick assessments of the rotor flow features.


Watch Video: Gas Temperature showing leakage in the interlobes


Watch Video: Pressure on rotors and Gas velocity in discharge port


For more details, please contact us.