Application of numerical grid generation for improved CFD analysis of multiphase screw machines

Authors: Rane S, Kovačević A
Where published:IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering: IOP Publishing

Algebraic grid generation is widely used for discretization of the working domain of twin screw machines. Algebraic grid generation is fast and has good control over the placement of grid nodes. However, the desired qualities of grid which should be able to handle multiphase flows such as oil injection, may be difficult to achieve at times. In order to obtain fast solution of multiphase screw machines, it is important to further improve the quality and robustness of the computational grid. In this paper, a deforming grid of a twin screw machine is generated using algebraic transfinite interpolation to produce initial mesh upon which an elliptic partial differential equations (PDE) of the Poisson’s form is solved numerically to produce smooth final computational mesh. The quality of numerical cells and their distribution obtained by the differential method is greatly improved. In addition, a similar procedure was introduced to fully smoothen the transition of the partitioning rack curve between the rotors thus improving continuous movement of grid nodes and in turn improve robustness and speed of the Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) solver. Analysis of an oil injected twin screw compressor is presented to compare the improvements in grid quality factors in the regions of importance such as interlobe space, radial tip and the core of the rotor. The proposed method that combines algebraic and differential grid generation offer significant improvement in grid quality and robustness of numerical solution.

Keywords:Computational Fluid Dynamics , grid generation , oil injection , screw compressor